Each week on The Thursday Three with Pushkin PR we share three news stories that captivated our attention during the week ranging from public relations and social media trend updates to relevant news in the industries we serve including healthcare, nonprofits, government and festival clients. Visual Content Takes Over Public Relations and Marketing
Communications Problem? We can help
Social Media Strategy
How to Use Instagram Stories for Business As a public relations firm offering social media management services to our clients across Colorado and Denver, we make it our job to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and platforms captivating social media users. Ever since Instagram Stories made their debut in 2016, the platform has proven to be an excellent way for our clients across a variety of industries including healthcare, nonprofits and festival management to connect with their audiences in a fun, lighthearted way. Posting your first Instagram Story or creating new content to publish can feel intimidating. Our team recommends turning to the top brands in your industry for inspiration. After all, the way a healthcare brand uses Instagram Stories will likely be very... read more
Thursday Three
Each week on The Thursday Three with Pushkin PR we share three news stories that captivated our attention during the week ranging from public relations and social media trend updates to relevant news in the industries we serve including healthcare, nonprofits, government and festival clients. Fact check this statement: “The media will care about everything I give them.”
Communications Problem? We can help
Healthcare Public Relations
As a Denver public relations firm that specializes in healthcare PR, we are well aware of the growing challenges facing healthcare communicators. Constant regulatory change means the ground under executives’ feet keeps shifting. Increasingly sophisticated hackers make it clear that no organization is safe from the threat of data breaches and ransomware. Pressure from shareholders and board members means that costs keep rising. A patient population growing continually more diverse and more dispersed means less access to care. And a system focused on “sick care” instead of “health care” means we keep treating the symptom instead of the disease. Regardless of the challenges their organizations face, the most important question for healthcare communicators remains, “what would a reasonable person expect a responsible organization to do?” If... read more
Each week on The Thursday Three with Pushkin PR we share three news stories that captivated our attention during the week ranging from public relations and social media trend updates to the relevant news in the industries we serve including healthcare, nonprofits, government and festival clients. If you’re reading the news, you’re probably using your iPhone
Communications Problem? We can help
Thursday Three
Each week on The Thursday Three with Pushkin PR we share three news stories that captivated our attention during the week ranging from public relations and social media trend updates to relevant news in the industries we serve including healthcare, nonprofits, government and festival clients. Crises are happening more often and brands are underprepared to manage them
Communications Problem? We can help
Festival Public Relations Public Relations Tips
Back when I was a touring musician, we were on our way from a gig in Key West to our next stop in New England. We were on a dark stretch of highway just about to the Florida-Georgia line. I popped Ry Cooder’s Bop Til You Drop album into the cassette player and just as the song Trouble You Can’t Fool Me was playing, I saw a car up ahead blocking the road. I slammed on the brakes and before we knew it we were being tossed around like clothes in a dryer while Ry was singing, “Trouble you can’t fool me, I see you behind that tree.” Now it’s years later, and whenever my Denver public relations firm provides crisis communications services for large festivals, that song keeps... read more
Pushkin Posts Thursday Three
Part of our job as PR pros is always being in the know about the latest happenings around Colorado and here in Denver, staying up-to-date on public relations and digital strategy trends and marveling at all the cool work our clients are doing.
Communications Problem? We can help
Public Relations
This is not your grandmother’s newspaper There’s no doubt that the media landscape is changing. Not only do journalists face extensive political scrutiny, media outlets across the country are burdened with financial constraints as the publication model evolves. Newsrooms now operate with a far smaller roster of journalists than in the past and every reporter is expected to be a photographer, social media whiz and sometimes even videographer too in order to produce content with fewer resources. We’ve seen the effect of this evolving landscape right here in Colorado. The Denver Post began charging for online access early this year and laid off an unprecedented number of journalists in the spring. Some of these former Denver Post employees will launch a new blockchain funded outlet, The Colorado Sun, later this... read more
Public Relations
As any of our Denver PR colleagues would agree, landing a client a four-minute media segment on national TV is worth celebrating. It’s like hitting a walk-off grand slam. It’s extremely rare; it takes a lot of time, hard work, and a little luck to pull it off. At Pushkin PR we are figuratively jumping on home plate, mobbed by our teammates who are showering us in Gatorade and shoving shaving cream pies in our face. Our client, Project Sanctuary was recently featured on the Today Show in a story about how the nonprofit provides therapeutic retreats that help military families reconnect, heal, and thrive. The reporter, Maria Shriver, said she got teary eyed watching it, and the studio anchors talked about how great Project Sanctuary is.... read more